
For many use cases, you simply configure Gremlin Evac, and the script does the rest. When you want more power, you can use the various available functions to control the map. Below are some simple examples that might help you in this endeavor.

Basic Setup

    startingZones = {
        { mode = Evac.modes.EVAC, name = "Blue Evac", smoke = trigger.smokeColor.Green, side = coalition.side.BLUE },
        { mode = Evac.modes.RELAY, name = "Blue Relay", smoke = trigger.smokeColor.Orange, side = coalition.side.BLUE, active = true },
        { mode = Evac.modes.SAFE, name = "Blue Safe", smoke = trigger.smokeColor.White, side = coalition.side.BLUE, active = true },
        { mode = Evac.modes.EVAC, name = "Red Evac", smoke = trigger.smokeColor.Green, side = coalition.side.RED },
        { mode = Evac.modes.RELAY, name = "Red Relay", smoke = trigger.smokeColor.Orange, side = coalition.side.RED, active = true },
        { mode = Evac.modes.SAFE, name = "Red Safe", smoke = trigger.smokeColor.White, side = coalition.side.RED, active = true },

Initializes Gremlin Evac with 6 zones, 4 of which are active at start. Three are RedFor, the other three are BlueFor. Two each are evacuation zones, two each are relay/staging zones, and the last two each are safe zones. All other settings are kept at the defaults.

Full Setup

This example is also available on the Setup page.

    beaconBatteryLife = 2,
    beaconSound = "test.ogg",
    carryLimits = {
        ["SH60B"] = 15,
    idStart = 5,
    loadUnloadPerIndividual = 2,
    lossFlags = { 1, 2 },
    lossThresholds = { 0, 25 },
    maxExtractable = {
        _global = {
                Generic = { 12, 12, [0] = 0 },
                Infantry = { 12, 12, [0] = 0 },
                M249 = { 12, 12, [0] = 0 },
                RPG = { 12, 12, [0] = 0 },
                StingerIgla = { 12, 12, [0] = 0 },
                ["2B11"] = { 12, 12, [0] = 0 },
                JTAC = { 3, 3, [0] = 0 },
    spawnWeight = 50,
    spawnRates = {
        ["Test 1"] = {
                side = coalition.side.BLUE,
                units = 12,
                startTrigger = { type = 'time', value = 0 },
                spawnTrigger = { type = 'repeat', value = { per = 5, period = Gremlin.Periods.Minute } },
                endTrigger = { type = 'limits', value = 100 },
    startingUnits = { 'helicargo1', 'helicargo2', 'MedEvac1', 'MedEvac2', 'MedEvac3' },
    startingZones = {
        { mode = Evac.modes.EVAC, name = "Test 1", smoke = trigger.smokeColor.Green, side = coalition.side.BLUE, active = true },
        { mode = Evac.modes.RELAY, name = "Test 2", smoke = trigger.smokeColor.Orange, side = coalition.side.BLUE, active = true },
        { mode = Evac.modes.SAFE, name = "Test 3", smoke = trigger.smokeColor.White, side = coalition.side.BLUE },
    winFlags = { 3, 4 },
    winThresholds = { 0, 75 },

Initializes Gremlin Evac, overriding all the defaults:

  • any beacons are killed after 2 minutes (default is 30)
  • the beacon sound file is changed to something mission specific
  • the list of craft that can perform evac ops is reset to just the SH60B Unit type at a max loadout of 15 evacuees
  • the starting ID is dropped from 50000 to 5
  • the time it takes to load or unload evacuees is set to 2 seconds per evacuee (down from 30 seconds)
  • the flags used to indicate evacuation mission failure are set to 1 and 2, respectively (default is GremlinEvacRedLoss and GremlinEvacBlueLoss)
  • the percentage of evacuees that can be lost is set to 0 for red, and 25 for blue (default is 25 for both)
  • the maximums for generated evacuees are set to 12 on both sides, for all roles except JTAC, which is set to 3 (default is 0)
  • the average spawn weight is dropped from 100kg to 50kg
  • the spawn rates are configured to spawn 12 Blue generic evacuees every 5 minutes in the Test 1 Zone (default is spawn all across all Zones at mission start)
  • the starting Zones are set to three Blue Zones, two of which (evacuation and relay/staging) are active from mission start (default is no registered Zones)
  • the flags used to indicate evacuation mission success are set to 3 and 4, respectively (default is GremlinEvacRedWin and GremlinEvacBlueWin)
  • the percentage of evacuees that need to be evacuated to win is set to 0 for red, and 75 for blue (default is 75 for both)

Manual Setup

Sometimes the built-in logic isn't enough for your mission. This example pulls in several functions to integrate with other parts of the game.


Evac.zones.evac.register('Blue Evac 1', trigger.smokeColor.Blue, coalition.side.BLUE)
Evac.zones.evac.register('Blue Evac 2', trigger.smokeColor.Blue, coalition.side.BLUE)
Evac.zones.relay.register('Blue Relay 1', trigger.smokeColor.Orange, coalition.side.BLUE)
Evac.zones.relay.register('Blue Relay 2', trigger.smokeColor.Orange, coalition.side.BLUE)'Blue Safe', trigger.smokeColor.Green, coalition.side.BLUE)

Evac.zones.evac.register('Red Evac 1', trigger.smokeColor.Red, coalition.side.RED)
Evac.zones.evac.register('Red Evac 2', trigger.smokeColor.Red, coalition.side.RED)
Evac.zones.relay.register('Red Relay 1', trigger.smokeColor.Orange, coalition.side.RED)
Evac.zones.relay.register('Red Relay 2', trigger.smokeColor.Orange, coalition.side.RED)'Red Safe', trigger.smokeColor.Green, coalition.side.RED)

Evac.zones.evac.activate('Blue Evac 1')
Evac.zones.evac.activate('Blue Evac 2')
Evac.zones.relay.activate('Blue Relay 1')
Evac.zones.relay.activate('Blue Relay 2')

Evac.zones.evac.activate('Red Evac 1')
Evac.zones.evac.activate('Red Evac 2')
Evac.zones.relay.activate('Red Relay 1')
Evac.zones.relay.activate('Red Relay 2')

Evac.zones.evac.setRemaining('Blue Evac 1', coalition.side.BLUE, country.USA, {
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'RPG' },
    { type = '2B11' },
Evac.zones.evac.setRemaining('Blue Evac 2', coalition.side.BLUE, country.USA, {
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'Infantry' },
    { type = 'RPG' },
    { type = 'M249' },
    { type = 'StingerIgla' },
    { type = '2B11' },
    { type = 'JTAC' },

Evac.zones.evac.setRemaining('Red Evac 1', coalition.side.RED, country.RUSSIA, 4)
Evac.zones.evac.setRemaining('Red Evac 2', coalition.side.RED, country.RUSSIA, 3)



This setup does a few things, in order:

  1. sets up Gremlin Evac using all the defaults
  2. registers 5 zones for blue evacuations, and 5 for red
  3. activates the evac and relay Zones
  4. manually spawns 17 blue evacuees, using composition tables
  5. manually spawns 7 red evacuees, using numbers (makes all evacuees into generic ones)
  6. manually loads up evacuees onto various standby Units

Everything from there is either automatic from Gremlin Evac, or manual via additional triggers in the mission.